Monday, February 8, 2010

quiet time

Things have been quiet around here lately. I guess it's just winterness and snowies muffling life.
I saw this Devnendra Banhart video a couple weeks ago and I can't stop watching it. There's something so incredibly peaceful about the melody and the images put together - it makes me long for spring and being with friends in the country somewhere. And if I wasn't already married to the best man on earth, I am pretty sure I would be stalking Devendra. Yup.

Devendra Banhart, Walillamdzi from DAVID BLACK on Vimeo.

via hearblack


Allison said...

you have been nominated for a beautiful blogger award at

et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

oh, this is beautiful! i recently posted another video of david blacks, the all or nothing video with au revoir simone. so so so beautiful!